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Full Step-by-Step to install Objects
How to download, unzip and install objects in your game
What do I need?

To use the files offered on this site, you will need to have:
- a computer
- an internet connection
- an internet browser like Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Communicator (but you must have something like that to surf on my site! ;))
- an utility to unzip the downloaded files, like WinZip (if you find another tool that unzip your files, you can use it, but it's Winzip I'll use in this tutorial).

** Top **
How do I download an object?

First, you need to put your cursor on the name of the object you want to download (here: the bathtub). Then, click.
Around the Sims

A window appears and asks you what you want to do with the file. Click on the "Save this file to disk" button, then click on OK.
Around the Sims

A new window asks you where you want to save the file. I don't know how you organize your disk, but I like having an Internet Downloads folder on my desktop, so I always save my files in this folder. In any case, double-click on where you want to save the download (it can be on the desktop, in another folder, it's up to you...), and then, click on the button "Save".
Around the Sims

A window appears and give you an indication of the time the download will take, (the snapshot is in french).
Around the Sims

Now, if you double-click on your Internet Download, located on your desktop, you'll see that we have the in our folder.
Around the Sims

Next step: we will unzip it and install it in the game.
** Top **
How do I unzip and install the objects I've downloaded?


Let's go in our Internet Downloads, and double-click on the item you want to unzip.
Around the Sims

It will automatically open WinZip. Then, select the item you want to unzip by clicking once on it (you can select more than one by clicking with the Shift key pressed). Objects are IFF files. And click on the Extract button.
Around the Sims
It can be a good idea to extract the Read-me on your desktop, to see if there's no special instructions for the object you have downloaded. The Read-me file hasn't to be saved in your Sims folder, and you can delete it after reading, but it's always good to read it, even if, with this tutorial, you'll be the king or the queen of download and installation! ;D

It's now that you install our object in the game. As it's an object, we'll install it in the Download folder of the game. Navigate in the files browser; you can open a folder to see its content by clicking on the "+" in front of the name of the folder. The Sims is usually installed in your C:\Programs files\Maxis\The Sims folder, but it can change. Once you're in the Sims folder, click on Downloads folder, and then click on the button Extract.
Around the Sims
That's all, now WinZip will unzip the file and install it at the right place! Congratulations!
Around the Sims


** Top **
Where will I find the objects I have downloaded?
You'll find my objects in your Buy mode next time you'll play to the Sims.
Most of the time, my objects are not categorized, it means you'll find them under the "All" categories.
If you have downloaded windows, doors, columns, stairs or fireplaces, you'll find them in the Build mode instead of the Buy mode.
** Top **
What should I do with the .zip files, once I have unzipped them?
You can do what you want, actually. Most of the time, you won't have to use them anymore, so you can delete them, or make a back-up, whatever you want.



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