Loge de star |
By Sandy
Description by Jess.
A Huge thanks to all the ones who sent me
some suggestions of descriptions!
Fame? What is it? A thing where people can
be all snobby and rich? Or where someone can produce entertainment
for the world so people can enjoy their work, without feeling
jealous? Well, now there is a new Star dressing-room which
will make you feel famous, even if your not. Comes with a
dressing table, mirrors with dazzling lights, a rail for clothes
if you are in a rush and, of course, your champagne and caviare.
Now, how's that for fame??!!
Flowers |
(*) ("Superstar"
required) |

Wall: Maxis
Floor: Awahae
Notes **
Posters can be found on Decorative
| Classical movies posters pages.
Champagne and caviar work as a mood-booster: it means you can
buy full needs satisfaction for §250 or mid-satisfaction
for §25.
The make-up will give fun to your Sims, and let them improve
their charisma skills.
Flowers and plants can be installed on every surfaces (floor,
tables, end tables, coffee tables...)
The dresser (clothing-rack) has been cloned from a dresser with
all expansions packs installed, so... I don't know
Based on 3D models found on the net.
(*) Updated the 5th of July
2004 to let the visitors using those objects.
Les affiches peuvent être trouvées sur les pages
Décoration | Affiches de
films .
Le champagne et le caviar fonctionnent comme un "mood-booster",
c'est-à-dire que vos Sims peuvent s'acheter une pleine
satisfaction de tous leurs besoins pour 250§ ou une satisfaction
minimale pour 25§.
Le maquillage donnera de l'amusement à vos Sims tout
en leur permettant d'acquérir du charisme.
Les fleurs et plantes peuvent être installées sur
n'importe quelle surface (tables, tables basses, sol...)
Basés sur des modèles 3D trouvés sur Internet.
(*) Mis à jour le
5 juillet 2004 pour permettre aux visiteurs d'utiliser ces objets.
Gift for
The whole dressing-room recolored
in mahogany and black leather... Maybe it will be the dressing-room
of your Sim rock star? All the objects of the dressing-room
above, except the mood-booster, have been recolored.
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