Studio #2 | Recording room
Studio d'enregistrement
#2|Cabine d'enregistrement |
By Sandy
As I've been unable to choose between those two descriptions,
you'll get both!
A Huge thanks to all the ones who sent me some suggestions
of descriptions!
Description by BrAiN.
You think you got what it takes to be a rockstar?? Having
spend most of your miserable life rocking with your friends
in various clubs, here's your chance to make it BIG!! Just
recently opened: Downtown Recording Studio! Just drop your
demo tape at the front desk and sit back and wait. Does the
producer like your sound?? Then enter the studio. Equiped
to the highest standards it's a musicians dream to play in
there! So what are you waiting for??
Description by Noah Halvorson.
If you're a musician, you HAVE to check out this latest addition
at Around the Sims.com! The recording studio includes a set
of stompboxes, (a Tonebone Hot British Tube Driver, a Boss
Overdrive, a Boss Super Chorus, and a Vox Wah)a Fender Deluxe
Reverb, the best sounding Fender tube amp, a Vox AC-30 with
EL-84 tubes for a sweet, warm overdriven sound, a Roland Keyboard,
a Mackie mixer, top-of-the-line Sennheiser mics, and a Marshall
Mode 4 Stack. The Marshall is the granddaddy of all tube amps,
with a gain-soaked 350-Watt head, pushing two four 12" cabinets.
This set is a must-have for anybody with a band!
Lectern |
amps |
#1 (studio) |
#2 (scene) |
for guitar |
amp |

Wall & Floor by Maxis
Notes **
The microphones, the lectern
and keyboard are enabled for visitors, so they can be used in
Downtown (but they can be used at your Sim's house too. Anyone
will be able to use them, though). The microphones and the lectern
are cloned from mirrors so they allow your Sims to improve their
charisma skills, but they're categorized in Misc./Creativity.
Amps are only decorative.
The guitar comes with the Sims expansion "Livin' Large".
Les micros, le pupitre et le clavier sont accessibles aux visiteurs
pour pouvoir être utilisées en ville (mais ils
peuvent aussi être installés dans la maison d'un
de vos Sims. Ils pourront alors être utilisés par
n'importe qui). Les micros et le pupitre sont clonés
à partir d'un miroir et permettent à vos Sims
d'augmenter leur charisme, mais ils sont catégorisés
dans Divers/Créativité.
Les amplis sont purement décoratifs.
La guitare peut être trouvée dans l'expansion des
Sims "Ça vous change la vie".
Gift for
Your Sims can't have enough
keyboards, huh?
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