

Objects by Sets
Bathroom | Salle de bains
Bedroom | Chambres
Dining/Living | Salon/Salle à manger
Kitchen | Cuisine
Study | Bureau
Outdoor | Extérieur
Downtown | Centre-ville
Vacation | Vacances
Studio | Studio
Other | Autres
Single Objects
Accessories | Accessoires
Decorative | Décors
Food & Drink | Alimentation & Boisson
Electronics | Electronique
Toys & Games | Jeux & jouets
Lighting | Eclairage
Seating | Sièges et lits
Pets supplies | Pour animaux domestiques
Plants & Trees | Plantes et arbres
Odds & Ends | Objets divers
Clonable bases | Bases clonables





Electronics: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12
Audio | iPods
Audio | iPods
** Notes **
These audio objects can play all the styles of music that the DJ booth can play (rock, classical, latino, country, beach, disco, rave and rap) You'll need House Party to hear these particular styles, otherwise you'll still be able to listen the tradionnal stations: rock, classical, latino and country.
Ces appareils audio permettent d'écouter tous les styles de musique proposés généralement par le DJ (rock, classique, latino, country, musique de plage, disco, techno et rap), si vous avez "La fête à la maison/Surprise-partie", sans quoi, vous ne pourrez écouter que les stations traditionnelles: rock, classique, latino, country.
Around the Sims
  Around the Sims
Around the Sims   Around the Sims
iPod - Blue
iPod - Pink
Around the Sims   Around the Sims
iPod - Lime
iPod - Touch
Download the set
- 6 objects -
(Donators only! this option costs too much money to the site, sorry...)
- 217 Ko -




Audio: 1-2-3-4-5
Electronics: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12


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The Sims is a registered trademark by Electronic Arts Inc.

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