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Plants & Trees | Plantes et arbres
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Outdoor: 1-2-3-4-5-6
A touch of forest
Un p'tit coin de forêt
Around the Sims
Around the Sims
Around the Sims
Around the Sims
Around the Sims
Around the Sims
Around the Sims

By Sandy
Description by Kathy.

A Huge thanks to all the ones who sent me some suggestions of descriptions!

A beautiful handcrafted cedar bench is surrounded by lush green scenery. Six different kinds of trees can transform a dull, lifeless backyard into a garden paradise that the neighbors will never want to leave. Use them to provide cool shade for your swimming pool, a touch of class to that front door walkway, or simply as beautiful decorations to fill up and cover that ugly splotch of dead grass. Whatever the use, you can't go wrong with the Touch of Forest set. Enjoy.

  Tree #2
  Tree #4
  Tee #6
** Notes **
See also the Plants | Trees for more trees.
Ground cover by Persimmon Grove.
D'autres arbres sont disponibles sur la page Plants | Trees.
Le sol peut être trouvé à Persimmon Grove.
Download the set
- 7 objects -
(Donators only! this option costs too much money to the site, sorry...)
- 560 Ko -


Outdoor: 1-2-3-4-5-6


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