Soit Living-Room
Salon Soit
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this set? My english is sooo poor... Ok? You're ready to give
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#3 - Purple |
Bookcase |
Candle |
table ("Hot
Date" required) |
Loveseat |
paintings |
Sideboard #1 -
closed doors |
#2 - open |
Stereo |
tray |
Notes **
Vase with flowers, decor with box and bowls,
the tea set and the candle can be installed on any surfaces,
coffee tables included and don't require any expansion pack.
Tea will give to your Sims an energy rating of 3 (instead
of 1).
The windows used on the preview can be found at Sims
Interior Designs.
Le vase avec les fleurs, la boîte décorative
et les bols, la bougie et le plateau à thé peuvent
être posés sur n'importe quelle surface, table
basse comprise, sans demander d'expansion.
Le thé donnera un score d'énergie de 3 (au lieu
de 1) à vos Sims.
Les fenêtres utilisées sur l'image proviennent
de Sims
Interior Designs.
#1 - rouille, fauteuil
#2 - olive, fauteuil
#3 - violet, bibliothèque,
bougie, table
basse ("Et plus si affinités"
requis), Décor
#1: bols et boîte, Décor
#2: vase, canapé,
deux peintures
, buffet
#1 - portes fermées, buffet
#2 - ouvert, stéréo,
plateau à
Gift for
If you enjoy clearer colors,
you'll find a recolor in pine wood of the set, and be happy,
it's the wood used for the Modern Line sets, so you have now
few extra pieces to create your own Modern Line house.
The set includes 8 objects: the 2 sideboards, bookcase, coffee
table, 3 armchairs and a loveseat.
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