

Objects by Sets
Bathroom | Salle de bains
Bedroom | Chambres
Dining/Living | Salon/Salle à manger
Kitchen | Cuisine
Study | Bureau
Outdoor | Extérieur
Downtown | Centre-ville
Vacation | Vacances
Studio | Studio
Other | Autres
Single Objects
Accessories | Accessoires
Decorative | Décors
Food & Drink | Alimentation & Boisson
Electronics | Electronique
Toys & Games | Jeux & jouets
Lighting | Eclairage
Seating | Sièges et lits
Pets supplies | Pour animaux domestiques
Plants & Trees | Plantes et arbres
Odds & Ends | Objets divers
Clonable bases | Bases clonables





Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
Astronom's Office
Local d'astronomie
Around the Sims

While you're downloading some stuff, why wouldn't you try to help me to find a better description for this set? My english is sooo poor... Ok? You're ready to give a hand? Follow me!

Chair #2 - Black    Decorative wall shelf
Desk #1 - White top   Desk #2 - Black top
Equation board   Desk lamp
Pieces of meteorites   Decorative shelf with planets
Sky map   Starship

Simple telescope ("Livin' Large" required)

  Professional telescope ("Livin' Large" required)
** Notes **
The equations board allows your Sims to earn logic skill points and money, when they sell their solutions.
Meteorites give creativity, and the model of the starship gives mechanical points. Both objects can be installed on every surface, and give also some fun.
All these objects can be used by visitors, so you can also install the set Downtown, on a Community lot...
Le tableau d'équation permet à vos Sims de gagner des points de logique tout en gagnant de l'argent, lorsqu'ils vendent les résultats de leurs recherches.
Les morceaux de météorites donnent des points de créativité, la construction de la maquette donne des points de mécanique. Ces deux objets donnent aussi de l'amusement à vos Sims, et peuvent être posés sur n'importe quelle surface.
Ces objets peuvent être utilisables par des visiteurs; vous pourrez donc également installer ce set en ville.
Download the set
- 14 objects -
(Donators only! this option costs too much money to the site, sorry...)
- 1003 Ko -


Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11


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