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Bathroom | Salle de bains
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Dining/Living | Salon/Salle à manger
Kitchen | Cuisine
Study | Bureau
Outdoor | Extérieur
Downtown | Centre-ville
Vacation | Vacances
Studio | Studio
Other | Autres
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Accessories | Accessoires
Decorative | Décors
Food & Drink | Alimentation & Boisson
Electronics | Electronique
Toys & Games | Jeux & jouets
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Seating | Sièges et lits
Pets supplies | Pour animaux domestiques
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Clonable bases | Bases clonables





Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
Fashion Studio
Atelier de couture

Around the Sims


While you're downloading some stuff, why wouldn't you try to help me to find a better description for this set? My english is sooo poor... Ok? You're ready to give a hand? Follow me!

Cloth panel   Cloth rolls
Cloth shelf   Cloth rack
Dressmaker's deco   Desk
Dummy   Easel
End table   Mirror
Patterns   Patterns on wall
Machine for rivets   Sewing machine on desk

Sewing machine to maintain


Wall by Simorphor
Floor by Sims Interior Design
** Notes **
With this fashion studio, your Sims will be able to learn skills points and to earn money:
- the dummy will allow your Sims to create 3 different dresses, to sell them, and to earn Creativity points
- the sewing machine will allow your Sims to earn Creativity points and money, depending on their Creativity level
- the easel will allow your Sims to earn Charisma points, by presenting new fashion collection
- the sewing machine to maintain allow your Sims to earn Mechanical points
- the machine for rivets will allow your Sims to earn Body points
- the patterns will allow your Sims to earn Logic points
All those objects will also bring fun to your Sims.


Avec cet atelier de couture, vos Sims pourront gagner des points d'aptitude tout en gagnant de l'argent.
- le mannequin permet à vos Sims de créer et de vendre 3 robes différentes, et de gagner des points de Créativité
- la machine à coudre permet à vos Sims de gagner des points de créativité et de l'argent, selon leur niveau de Créativité
- le chevalet permet à vos Sims de gagner des points de charisme en présentant, et en vendant de nouvelles collections
- la machine à coudre à entretenir permet de gagner des points de Mécanique
- la machine à riveter les jeans permet de gagner des points de Physique
- la découpe des patrons permet de gagner des points de Logique
Tous ces objets permettent aussi à vos Sims de s'amuser en les utilisant.
Download the set
- 18 objects -
(Donators only! this option costs too much money to the site, sorry...)
- 1,26 Mo -

Donations give you access to all the downloads by sets and to all the gifts, past and future, and they help the site to stay online... Think about it! ;)


Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11


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The Sims is a registered trademark by Electronic Arts Inc.

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